Lim Guan Eng is seen as the most senior DAP leader to lead the party in the future. Known with his oily hair style, Guan Eng is said to be experience in politic compared to other new generation of DAP leaders.
His experience in jail is an asset and a resume for opposition leaders who is considered as brave and macho.
It was reported in Sinar Harian that Guan Eng had placed himself in a situation to disgrace the Malaysian people through an agreement.
Guan Eng had promised to give three main initiatives to the people if Pakatan Rakyat achieved forming a Federal government in the 13th general election. He promised cash of RM1,000 to the people at the age of 60 and above, demolished tail summons and nationwide free wifi.
The Penang Chief Minister added PR will be spending RM2.1 Million a year for the three initiatives.
This is the most bad promise made by an opposition leader in the country.
His father Lim Kit Siang had also made such promise for tax.
Guan Eng is getting mad day by day.
About the RM1,000 cash given to citizen at the aged of 60 and above, Ahmad Maslan had announced BN government had given subsidy to the people without any age limit worth RM700 Million a year.
This mean asistance given to each citizen cost thousands of RM a year.
This mean Guan Eng only promised RM83.33 a month for the senior citizen. What the senior citizen can do with it Guan Eng?
Those who do not think will accept it as a great offer without realising it is a trap.
Do we prefer the RM83.33 or the senior citizen programs committed by the government currently such as protection, care and social services which include a comprehensive Social safety system to assure stable returns and welfare anf others.
The government had created a scheme called Old People Assistance for senior citizen who are jobless and homess, they are given RM300 monthly.
About free wifi, what is so grand about it as many mamak restaurants offered the same benefit for their clients. Instead there will be more nonsense if the such promise are granted. For instance many had occured even the WI-FI is not free.
Technically, computers of Wi-FI users are exposed to be break into for those who do not have any resposibility. This is because open WI-FI do not have any passwords and any security and protection system for the users opening user computer to be acess by others using internet.
Beside such break-ins, uers are opened for virus, trojan, malware, worms and other threats.
WI-FI towers also saw an increased of health threats for resident surroundings.
WI-FI is funcional almost the same frequency as cell phones under the spectrum wave between 900 Mhz and 2.4Ghz.
Famous biophysic genetic expert Dr. Mae Wan Ho said the effct of wireless frequency is almost the same as smoking.
There are many cases of depression occured to users affected from the elctro magnetic frequency or better know as sensitive electro.
Abolishing tail summons, fact showed there are 10 million tail summons issued since the year 2000 revealing the attitude of road users from the 28 million people in the country.
The 10 miilion worth of summons issued by police is a fact although there are weakness in the tail summons system.
The tail summons is not important for Guan Eng to highlight it in his election campaign.
In the matter, driver is the most important among all, summon is still a summon, the diffence is only the name.
The tail summon promise by Guan eng is an insult to Malaysian.
Promises made by Guan Eng is only good heard on ears but it do not contributed for the country development especially the future.
The promises is just sweet goodies for ears and election. Not more than that.
Last Updated (Friday, 20 August 2010 07:31)